Saturday, May 21, 2005

Did B.A. Johnston Fart?

No. He did not. But something in that chili he made seems to be having an effect on me.

So far Christian's turning out to be a pretty good roommate. He lets me eat his food, said that I could have some of his beer (he bought a two-four for the two-four weekend), and doesn't leave much in the way of mess around the house. And last night he provided endless fodder for the Stolen Minks to make fun of during their recording session (they kid because they love. And because they were all drinking.) The only downside is that he complains about his job a lot. But hey, I've been known to do my fair share of work-bitching as well, so I can overlook that.

So thumbs up for Mr. Johnston. Now start posting, you lazy fat chud.


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